What happened to Medium’s Partner Program?
I’m So Discouraged
I’m a regular poster here and I feel what I create, for the niche genre, is top notch. But my earnings are way way down to the insulting almost non existent level. Why should I continue? I wonder.
It’s hard not to take it personally, given some mysterious algorithm is at work that no one on the receiving end of it understands. Every year a new tweak and more disappointed writers. It doesn’t make any sense.
I wish I could just create for creations sake, but the time and effort I put into it should and must be appreciated for it to not leave a bitter taste in my mouth when I look at the results: a pittance.
Someone somewhere is benefitting from this new arrangement but it’s not me, and dare I say it’s not the hardworking poets and eroticists.
This is my whining rant, but if anyone out there is listening, I’m mighty upset. There should be a better way. What I envision Medium to be may not be what they want, but imagine if we were all treated fairly, what a great platform it could be. I guess if you’re not writing some listicle or how-to-get-rich-writing-here kind of article, no one cares. I’m sad.
I’m not just a writer I’m an avid reader and commenter. I’m involved. I only wish it was rewarded somehow.
But you can help. Clap more than 1 times, read my poems and stories for more than 30 seconds. Comment. Thank you!