Member-only story
At a Glance
A Poem
At a Glance
YOUR PERFECT SHAPE, dear Asha, is the basis for my
Happiness. I mean just look at you! You’re who I want
To smother with kisses in the hopes that love will grow,
Flourish and extend. I’d climb a tree just to get a glimpse
Of you sunbathing in the nude, rubbing your body down
With lotion unaware that I admire you from afar. Now you
Have an insight into my lust, and I’m a heel I know, it’s a
Syndrome I developed as a young man when I would listen
To oldies on the radio and work out in the fields with the cows.
I want to trace you with my fingers and initial you right near
Your buttocks, say “that’s mine,” and write about it on an
Unused page in my notebook along with a description of
Your pursed lip. I’d take a belt to my own back if I thought
It might help you belong to me. At a glance, I am not much,
But if you got to know me the tension between us would
Melt away. You can go to your minister and talk about this
Crazy guy who wants you, telling him that I’m just another
Player but I get so unusually wrapt in the thought of laying
With you that it’s almost a labor. Every curve, my love, is
What I love, and there’s room in the budget for more. Like
An agile virus I want to get inside you, kiss you on your jaw
As I take the plunge. I’m not just a theorist; I want you in
More ways than I can count. You complement me on my
Haircut and I say it’s a lovely day to write you a…