Mrs. Bladedigger’s Crypt
“Am I supposed to be scared now?” he said to me. I am dreaming that we’re in a church crypt, goodness knows why. “She’s old and it’s about time she died.”
“My love, let’s not talk like that,” I said.
“Go and live with her, then! See if I care,” he said.
It was unlike us to fight, especially in such an immature way. It had been a long time since Mrs. Bladedigger and I had parted ways and Caspar and I went out on our own. We did cross paths occasionally at the charity events, but it wasn’t like it was before. I honestly did miss her for her adventurous sense of curiosity.
I woke up and he was laying next to me. Phew. I hadn’t scared him off. I heard and felt him move, so I whispered, “Do you love me?”
“Don’t be silly,” he grunted. “Of course, I do.”
I fell back to sleep, and the dream continued.
“Let’s go, right here,” I said, dropping to my knees and quickly unzipping his pants.
“Don’t; I’m not in the mood,” he said.
“Oh, come on. I’m sorry,” I said.
I wanted to suck his cock right here in the crypt.
I woke up.
“Love,” I said. “Are you awake?”
“I am now,” he said.
“I was dreaming,” I said. “About us in a crypt. I was about to go down on you, but you wouldn’t let me.”
“Death can be kind of sexy?” he chuckled.
“In a way,” I said. “We were fighting too, about Mrs. Bladedigger.”
“Yeah?” he said.
“You were being catty about her…” I said. “Jealous even…it was adorable.”
“Oh really?” he said, sounding more awake.
“Yes,” I said. “That doesn’t even sound like you. You’re always cool. Always sweet, at least to me.”
“That’s because I love you,” he said.
“And I you,” I said.
“You said you were about to…”
“Suck you off, right there,” I said.
“Still in the mood?” he asked.
“Always,” I said, reaching over to find him half hard.